Friday, January 31, 2014

The Thing With Star Wars is...

The thing with Star Wars is that it has been my fiance's favorite movie collection all of his life. Funny thing about our story was this is how we started dating. I made it known to him that I had never seen Star Wars except for Episode I which my dad took me to see in theaters. I had no idea who Luke Skywalker was, I had no idea that it was Darth Vader instead of Dark Vader, and I had no idea that Princess Leia was Luke Skywalker's sister. I did know who Princess Leia was and loved her hair. After I guess my fiance realized that the love of his life had no clue about his favorite movie he decided to introduce the two of us. 

Let me just say we watched from Episode IV all the way to Episode III, starting from the classics up to the most recent. The best quality time I think either of us could have asked for. I fell in love with Star Wars: the characters, the plot twist, and the amazing story of good always triumphing over evil. I think that was the night my fiance realized I was the catch of a lifetime. 

With all of this being said and it being made clear our mutual love of Star Wars you would think that I would be all for a Star Wars wedding. However, this is just not the case. I am totally fine with hints of a Star Wars like theme but at the end of the day I am not dressing up as Princess Leia to walk down the aisle. Let me just say this crushed my fiance's wedding dreams. And it opened my eyes to the fact that my groom was going to be least to say very involved in wedding planning. 

We eventually had to come to the agreement of compromising on certain things. The first one being the date we would actually have our ceremony. 

It has been a personal preference of mine to have graduated college before I got married, I do not graduate school until December 2014. That put us at having a two year engagement, which the fiance was not into. So, the first compromise I offered was to get married right after I graduated we could have a Christmas wedding since both of us love Christmas all our families would be in town it would just be perfect. That was shot down when he said he wanted to be married by May 4, 2014 so we could go to Star Wars week at Disney World for our honeymoon.

In my mind I'm thinking is May the fourth such an important day? He had to break it down to me the week of May 4 & 5 is Star Wars week all around the world. On May fourth it is known to Star Wars fans as "May the fourth be with you" a play on of "May the force be with you".  May the fifth is know as "revenge of the fifth" being a play on "Revenge of the Sith". The compromise we finally made after several days and a new Star Wars movie announcement.  Our date will be May 4, 2015. This was reached because I will have graduated from school and it is on Star Wars week. Also, the new Star Wars movie is set to release that year which helped me out. The thing is we will have 2 years to plan this wedding and it is just a really long engagement according to my fiance. First compromise done!

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