Friday, January 31, 2014

We are getting Married!

Hey There,

Pretty much in today's society you tell someone you are getting married and people just have three questions for you at that point. When is the date? Followed by, What type of wedding is it going to be? And the last question being : How does the groom feel about all the planning? So, to get those three questions out of the way I will be answering them right now.

When is the date?  - Our date is May 4, 2015.
What type of wedding ? -It's complicated,we will be having a Southern Classic Star Wars Wedding.
How does the groom feel? -Let's just say I think he was planning this when he was five.

So, I'm sure everyone is wondering how I am going to pull off a Southern Classic Star Wars Wedding, when I have a fiance that strictly wants Star Wars and then myself and the rest of the family involved would just like a Traditional Southern Classic Wedding. Welcome to the world of compromise meeting wedding planning. In this blog I will be laying out our wonderful compromises for all the world to see.

But just so everyone understands the length of the compromise here are a couple of pictures of the style of wedding we will be blending into one wedding.

The Fiance's Idea:
My Idea:

Welcome to our journey, May the fourth be with you and us!!

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