Sunday, February 2, 2014

Location, Location, Location

I feel that the location of a wedding really sets the tone of the ceremony. It describes the couple as a whole and gives guest a hint of what is to come for the rest of the wedding and reception. My idea of a location was somewhere here in our hometown of Hendersonville. Wanting the traditional Southern Wedding, I had picked out Spring Haven a southern plantation home in Hendersonville, Tennessee. This location had everything I thought we would need tucked away in a wooded area it had a beautiful place for an outdoor ceremony. Then in the back of the property where the reception would take place there was a patio that was fully covered with plenty of space for tables and dancing. Also, there was plenty of green grass to play some yard games that I had found to entertain guest while we took pictures.

Here are a couple of pictures to give an idea of my vision :

My future mother in law had really found exactly what I wanted and we were really excited to show my fiance the next day. That night at dinner after hearing the build up my fiance says I thought we were getting married at the movie theater and just having our reception somewhere else. I know what you are thinking the movie theater. In all actuality it makes total sense for us to be married at a movie theater because that is where our church meets. We attend Grace Church of Hendersonville and currently sense we do not have a building for our Hendersonville location we meet every Sunday morning in the Regal Theater at the Streets of Indian Lake. My fiance wanted us to be married at our church, which is very sentimental and sweet. However, he also wanted Star Wars movie posters everywhere and for our ceremony to look like the guest were going to the movies. This is a picture of more of his vision of what our ceremony would look like: 
I knew we were going to have to compromise on this but I also knew that once the fiancĂ© saw the venue I had chosen in real life he would be all for it. And of course sure enough he did the next day. I'm sure you are wondering where the compromise comes into play. Well, my first compromise was that the ushers would be in full storm trooper attire. Thank goodness their are only two ushers. Also, we will be having a light saber duel after our first dance. I think we will both be happy with those additions. 

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